Commercial Condominiums Apartments, Buildings for Rent
Waukon (IA) commercial apartment / condominium building for lease, Waukon (IA) commercial real estate for lease or rent
Waukon (IA) apartment and condo buildings are sometimes great investments as they can be leased in part or in whole to a single tenant or several tenants. If the whole Waukon building is to be leased, the lessee can be responsible (most likely) for all the upkeep and service charges related to the Waukon (IA) apartments or condominiums.
Why lease your Waukon (IA) apartment building and not just buy? It could take up to 30% down payment to make that happen, but with a master lease you can acquire Waukon (IA) investment property for a smaller down payment and fairly lower risk. If you are wanting to eventually purchase the Waukon (IA) property, make sure your lease is drawn up by a capable attorney who knows real estate law thoroughly.
Atkins - Atkins (IA) Commercial & Industrial Property for lease (Benton county)
Waucoma - Waucoma (IA) Commercial & Industrial Property for lease (Fayette county)
Center Junction - Center Junction (IA) Commercial & Industrial Property for lease (Jones county)
Anamosa - Anamosa (IA) Commercial & Industrial Property for lease (Jones county)
Coggon - Coggon (IA) Commercial & Industrial Property for lease (Linn county)
Coralville - Coralville (IA) Commercial & Industrial Property for lease (Johnson county)
Harper - Harper (IA) Commercial & Industrial Property for lease (Keokuk county)
Iowa City - Iowa City (IA) Commercial & Industrial Property for lease (Johnson county)
Lost Nation - Lost Nation (IA) Commercial & Industrial Property for lease (Clinton county)
Iowa commercial property for lease & sale
Commercial and industrial property for lease
Commercial and industrial property for sale